Things to Know Before You Hang a Wind Chime in Your House

Things to Know Before You Hang a Wind Chime in Your House

Things to Know Before You Hang a Wind Chime in Your House 

Wind chimes have a special significance in Feng Shui. They are known as the carriers of positive energy. They not only produce a very soothing sound, but if hung in the correct place will give you lots of benefits. If placed in the wrong direction it may not work in the way they are meant to. There are various chimes of different materials and number of pipes according to the need. 

Metal wind chime:

  1. When you hang a metal wind chime in the West direction,it attracts good luck in the lives of children and assists them in bringing honour to the family.
  2. When wind chimes are hung in the North direction, they open up career opportunities for the young ones in the family. 
  3. When hung in the North West direction, they bring the luck of mentors into your lives.

Ceramic wind chimes:

  1. Ceramic wind chimes hung in the southwest direction helps to improve the luck of romance and hence, are mainly considered beneficial for relationships.
  2. In the North East they will bring knowledge and wisdom. 
  3. When hung in the center, they will bring health and happiness. 

Bamboo wind chimes:

  1. They are known to attract wealth and resources when in the East.
  2. They attract fame when positioned in the South.
  3. Directions of East and Southeast emit double positive energy, which invites prosperity in the home.

To enhance good energies, wind chimes with 6 or 8 hollow rods are the best. However, there are certain things to take into consideration. 

• Do not hang wind chimes in the South West zone as it can exhaust the romance luck.

•  Do not hang wind chimes in the toilet or store room unless advised by an expert.

We're sure that the tips would help you in selecting the perfect wind chimes for your house and bring in all the love, luck and prosperity! 

patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
