Things to Keep and Things Not to Keep in Wallets

Things to Keep and Things Not to Keep in Wallets

Things to Keep and Things Not to Keep in Wallets

Wallets and purses represent our relationship with money. The way we keep our purse shows how much we care for our money. Keeping it clean and tidy is must as it holds a lot of importance in terms of positive energies.

Here, we will tell you things that you SHOULD and should NOT keep in your wallet to attract abundance and prosperity at the same time to protect it from unnecessary drain of money. 

Keep these things:

  1. Keep currency notes in ascending order (increasing). This symbolizes growth in the coming days. 
  2. Keep coins in a separate compartment. Coins have a different energy than that of the notes and mixing them is not advisable. 
  3. Keep a bay leaf in your wallet to protect your money. See to it that that leaf should not be torn or should not have holes in it. 
  4. Keep silver coins in the coins compartment. This will attract luck and minimize the outflow and unnecessary expenses. 

Discard these things

 1. Torn or tarnished currency notes or papers should not be kept in a wallet or purse. It symbolizes trapped, blocked energy and money growth. 

2. Old receipts and bills should not be in your wallet as they will increase unnecessary outflow of money. 

3. Expired debit or credit cards should find their way out of your wallet. They are unnecessary trash and block the money inflow. 

4. Pictures of deceased people must not be kept in the wallet as this symbolizes being stuck in the past and badly affects the money energy. 


If we read closely, we would find that most of the above points are practical and a part of good sense. The fact that these affect the energies says a lot about their importance. So go ahead and check your wallets; keep the necessary things and let go of the not so necessary ones and enhance your relationship with money. 

patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
