Superstitions and Possible Explanations

Superstitions and Possible Explanations

We all have grown up following so many superstitions blindly that we don’t even know how deeply rooted they have become. So much so, that we don’t even realize that they are superstitions and do not pay a lot of attention to these small things and carry them out as a long, ingrained habit. 

Thinking deeper, there is at least one explanation to many of the superstitions; some of them have scientific explanation, some related to the times in which these beliefs were followed and it trickled down through generations. Now, we do not claim that these are completely science backed, but at least it gives us some insight as to why they became a ‘thing’ to follow.

Here are some of the superstitions and their possible explanations.


Superstition: Do not sweep the floor after sunset; else Goddess Laxmi won't bless our house. 


Explanation: When there was no electricity the light coming from the lamp was not enough creating chances of ornaments and precious items, which might have fallen down, to be swept away. Thus, leading to loss of money or leading to poverty. Goddess Laxmi is the goddess of wealth and money and hence the connection.


Superstition:  Fallen hair around the house will result in fights in the house. 


Explanation:  If you leave fallen hair inside your house it may end up in your food when the wind blows which can very much lead to a fight if it happens regularly. Plus, it makes the place dirty which again can become a reason for arguments. It was more to do with hygiene than quarrels.  


Superstition:  Hanging a lemon and 7 green chilies together in shops, houses or cars to ward off black magic and Evil eye. 


Explanation: The actual reason is the thread which is used to pierce the lemon and chilies absorbs the acid resulting in a peculiar smell. This smell keeps the pests and insects away from the shop. This was sort of a repellent for insects, not evil eye. 


Superstition: Pregnant women are not allowed to go out during the eclipse as it would harm the child in the womb, presumably by a demon. 


Explanation: In reality one must avoid going out during an eclipse to protect oneself from harmful UV rays. Research is still going on in this vast area and looks like we will have to wait for the breakthrough.


Superstition: Never shake your leg especially while sitting on a chair. When you’re shaking your leg, you’re thought to be shaking off your wealth and good luck. 


Explanation: This superstition could have come from the old belief that shaking your leg suggests idleness—you’re shaking your leg because you’re not doing any physical labor for work. And work brings money for you. 


Superstition: Never put your bag on the floor. According to an old Chinese saying, “A purse on the floor is money out the door.” 


Explanation: Putting your purse on the ground is said to suggest that you don’t care about your wealth, can't manage your finances, and will end up poor.

Plus, it gets your precious bag dirty! 


Superstition: Never give knives as gifts. Giving a knife is seen as “cutting the friendship” between the giver and the receiver.


Explanation:  The fact that knives/scissors are used to cut things could've been the reason for this belief. 


Now that we have read these possible explanations we can actually wrap our heads around as to why the superstition came into being in the first place. The real problem is that from generations together we did not question these beliefs and followed them blindly. But knowing the reason behind these practices has answered many of the questions, isn’t it?


patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
