Signs that You Are Surrounded by Angels

Signs that You Are Surrounded by Angels

The word angel means "messenger of Divine" and it is quite widely known that their energies surround and bless us. But wouldn't it be wonderful to know certain signs that tell us about their presence? Read on to know about the signs that tell us we're surrounded by angels. 


  1. Fluffy Clouds: You'll see fluffy clouds, maybe in some formation like a heart or some animal or even wings. You may even see a formation which is off a special significance to you. If you see such fluffy clouds along with a rainbow (even when it's not raining) or a ray of light then it is definitely a sign.

2. A Divine Aroma: Aromas and scents which remind you of a divine experience. Even when there is no source of those scents around, you'll definitely smell it. Sometimes it lasts only for a few seconds but it definitely makes the presence felt. 


3. Feathers: You keep finding feathers at random places, in the middle of nowhere. This is a definite sign that your angels are around you. 


4. Music: You get to hear some songs that maybe your deceased loved ones liked. Or some piece of music that has some significance in your life. Sometimes you even get answers to your questions in the form of the lyrics of the song being played. 


5. Birds and Butterflies: Some birds such as Robins are known to be signs that your deceased loved ones (now in the form of angels) are blessing you. Butterflies are another sign that angels are nearby. 


6. Finding coins: You keep on finding coins almost everywhere. In your path, drawers, pant pockets, old purses, etc. Collect them and keep with you as these are the blessings from your divine messengers. 


7. Sparkles and Flashes of Lights: Angels are a form of pure light. They sometimes show their presence in the form of sudden flashes of light, sometimes in various colors. Different archangels have different colors.


8. Numbers: Sometimes you see a few numbers or patterns of numbers quite often. Either on the clock, currency number or other places. Numbers such as 111, 222, 333 etc are angels showing their presence. 


9. Dreams: You actually see angels in your dreams. They sometimes reveal themselves to you in your dreams and bless you. After you wake up you feel relaxed and calm.


10. Feel It: Sometimes, you just "know" that there's a divine presence around you even if there are no other signs. Tingling sensation in the crown of your head, the temperature drop that only you experience, and a sudden soft breeze are some of the things that people have experienced.


Whatever combination of signs you see or experience, always remember to thank the angels for their continuous protection and blessings. Even if you don't get your questions answered, acknowledge their presence and pay gratitude. 

patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
