Overcoming Addictions Through Healing

Overcoming Addictions Through Healing

Neha (name changed) had called me yesterday after a long time. She sounded very happy and told me that her brother had secured a job in a reputed company. To others this might be a regular update, but for Neha and her family this was a remarkable milestone.


Rajesh (name changed), is Neha's elder brother. I met him last year when Neha brought him to my office to seek help with his alcohol issues. 


Helping Neha with her brother Rajesh's alcohol addiction was a transformative experience that showcased the power of healing modalities. When Neha approached me, she was desperate and worried about Rajesh, whose addiction had taken a toll on their family. She sought an alternative approach after conventional methods failed to yield lasting results.


Our journey began with a comprehensive understanding of Rajesh’s situation. I conducted an in-depth consultation to uncover the root causes of his addiction. It was clear that Rajesh's dependency on alcohol was not just a physical issue but also deeply emotional and spiritual.


We decided to employ a holistic approach combining several healing modalities. Firstly, I introduced Rajesh to Reiki, an energy healing practice that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Through regular Reiki sessions, we aimed to balance Rajesh's energy and lessen the emotional burdens contributing to his addiction. Rajesh initially felt skeptical, but after a few sessions, he reported feeling more at peace and less anxious.


Alongside Reiki, we incorporated crystal healing. I provided Rajesh with specific crystals known for their detoxifying properties and ability to support emotional healing, such as amethyst and black tourmaline. I guided him on how to use these crystals, advising him to carry them, meditate with them, and place them in his living space. The presence of these crystals helped Rajesh create a calming environment helpful for his recovery.


Additionally, we explored the power of guided meditation and mindfulness practices. These techniques helped Rajesh develop greater self-awareness and control over his cravings. Regular meditation sessions enabled him to reconnect with his inner self, understand his triggers, and respond to them more healthily. This practice also improved his overall mental clarity and emotional stability.


Family support was crucial in Rajesh’s recovery process. I involved Neha and their family in certain sessions to strengthen their collective energy and support system. This helped Rajesh feel more loved and understood, which is essential for anyone battling addiction.


Over several months, Rajesh's condition improved significantly. He became more mindful of his choices, developed healthier coping mechanisms, and gradually reduced his alcohol consumption. The healing modalities we employed played a significant role in his journey to sobriety.


Neha was overjoyed with Rajesh’s progress. Witnessing her brother’s transformation, she became a firm believer in the power of alternative healing. Rajesh’s success story is a fantastic example showing the effectiveness of holistic approaches in treating addiction. 


This journey reaffirmed my belief that true healing encompasses the mind, body, and spirit, and that with the right support and modalities, recovery is possible.


If you or a loved one is going through a similar situation and need additional help, remember, I'm just a click away. 


Here's to a path of recovery and sobriety. So be it. 

patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
