15 Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration

15 Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Everyone talks about vibrations these days and more or less knows the importance of high and positive vibrations. If you usually feel enthusiastic, lively and full of love most of the time that means you surely have high vibrations. On the contrary if you constantly feel dull, stuck or bored it means you need a vibration boost for sure. 

Now there are many ways in which you can raise your vibrations, but here are 15 regular and simple ways to do so. 

Meditation: One can benefit so much from doing regular meditation. It not only relieves stress but also calms the mind. This gives us a better understanding of our feelings and thoughts and thereby raises our vibrations. 

Yoga: This form of exercise helps in keeping the body flexible. When practiced regularly, it releases the stagnant energy in the body and allows it to flow freely. 

Being Mindful: This is another way of raising your vibrations. Being aware of your own being and the surroundings gives you a clearer view of life. It makes you more compassionate and kind. 

Keeping the Chakras Free: The importance of open and free chakras is directly connected to free flowing of energy. It helps you in having greater creativity, health and happiness in all aspects of life; for body and soul. 

Crystals: These glittery clusters of minerals have a lot of potential to raise a person's vibrations. Crystals heal the mind and body by working on the wearer's vibrations. 

Be in the company of nature: Make a habit of taking a walk in nature and if possible barefoot. Make sure to turn off all the gadgets and be one with nature. This will work wonders for your vibrations.

Sound Bath: Immersing yourself in sounds of gongs and metal bowls have shown some great results in terms of relaxation, cleansing and increasing vibrations. 

Eating healthy: This one needs a lot of control and time to develop a life of healthy eating. But once done it helps to cleanse the body, keeps it light and active. Having healthy food also helps you in being happy and is a step towards spiritual enhancement. 

Practice Kindness Everyday: Kindness and compassion are very important in raising the vibrations. Do one act of kindness everyday, no matter how small you think it is. Even a small deed goes a long way.

Attitude of Gratitude: Rather than concentrating on what we don't have we should concentrate on what we have and be thankful for it every time. Acknowledge it and be grateful. This shifts our vibration to a higher frequency. 

Saying No: This means not accepting or doing something that we don't really want to do. It doesn't mean ignoring others but it means putting ourselves first so that we can be there for others in a better way. 

Dance: This really lets out the emotions in a fun way. It is a sureshot way to raise your mood and your vibrations. 

Breathing it deep: Just like meditation, breathing exercises calm your nerves down. It increases the feeling of peace and increases our vibrations. 

Think Positive: A very important practice to raise your vibrations exponentially is to think positive thoughts and discard the negative ones. Thoughts create reality. 

Cultivate meaningful relationships: Surround yourself with positive people who help you to lift your mood and frequency. Spend time with people who support you in achieving your goals and strengthen your spiritual journey. 

These simple but effective ways are sure to lead you to raise your vibrations. Yes, it needs a lot of patience and practice, but it surely gives wanted results. 

patrick walker


rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.

rena edwards
Feb 12, 2017 8:24 PM

This is really, really important & well-spoken. These haters in the responses don’t get it, but I hope that reading your piece may have nudged them in the right direction.
